Mental Health Resources

Curated by Brianna Davis; College of Education Online Programs Advisor

As a student at the University of Illinois, there are several resources that have been put in place by the University of Illinois Counseling Center that you may access remotely for support. These resources have been highlighted below.

  • Interactive Resources | University of Illinois Counseling Center:
    The Counseling Center and the university are committed to giving you the tools that you need to be well and take charge of your mental health. In addition to a range of counseling services and mental health programming, we offer several interactive tools. These tools allow you to check in on your mental health, support your understanding of behaviors that promote wellness, and train you to recognize symptoms of mental distress in others and connect them to available resources. 

  • RIO (Recognition, Insight, and Openness) Series | University of Illinois Counseling Center via Zoom:
    RIO is a two-part program that teaches students techniques for recognizing and moving past situations that cause stress, frustration, and anxiety. RIO can provide skills to help you:
    • Manage and reduce anxiety
    • Adapt to new challenges
    • Understand your thoughts and feelings, WITHOUT judgment or shame
    • Move beyond feeling “stuck” 
    • Take the initiative to step out of your comfort zone
  • Tuesday @ 7 Workshops | University of Illinois Counseling Center via Zoom:
    Presented by Counseling Center Paraprofessionals
    Students Helping Students: Enhancing Mental Health, Well-Being, and Success –
    Click on the link above to view the various topics covered in these sessions.

  • InFocus Self-Paced Module | University of Illinois Counseling Center:
    This program is offered online to take at your own pace. The training helps students build stronger focus and time management techniques. It covers the following topics:
    • What is ADHD?
    • Procrastination
    • Time Management
    • Goal Setting
    • Managing Motivation
    • Impulse Control
    • Stress Management
    • Self-Care


please note not all resources are available to online students due to the fee structure for on-campus vs. online students. But call to see what might be available to you.

For Counseling SupportCounseling Center

You may contact the Counseling Center at 217.333.3704 to schedule an appointment for grief counseling and emotional support.  The services are free to any student who has paid the student health fee. For routine appointments, the Center uses a same-day scheduling system such that students need to call at 7:50 am when their phone lines open to schedule an appointment for that day. If you are unable to get a same day appointment that works with your schedule or you need to be seen more urgently, identify yourself to the Counseling Center Reception staff as a friend of the deceased who is in urgent need of grief counseling. The Counseling Center staff will work to arrange an urgent appointment for you.

McKinley Health Center – Mental Health

Counseling and psychiatry services are also available to students at McKinley Health Center in their mental health clinic.  Call 217. 333.2705 to schedule an appointment. These services are also covered by the student health fee.

For Academic SupportOffice of the Dean of Students –Student Assistance Center–

You may contact the Student Assistance Center in the Office of the Dean of Students if you need assistance getting connected to the support resources described above or if grief is impeding your ability to function academically. Although decisions about excusing missed classes and accepting late work are at the discretion of individual professors, the Student Assistance Center can send communications to instructors to inform them that you are experiencing an extenuating life circumstance and to request additional support and academic consideration on your behalf. 

Self-Help: The Counseling Center also has self-help brochures related to psychological trauma and grief available on our website for download. You can access them by following this link: