Technical Support
For all general technology support (not CGScholar) needs, refer to the University’s Technology Services Help Desk.
Contact Us
Prospective or current students may contact Dr. Stuart L. Mattingly, LDL Program, Academic, and Dissertation Advisor with any questions at stuartm3@illinois.edu
Linking Your Account to Google Apps and Box
Link your accounts here:
LDL Program Team
The LDL Program Team provides tailored support to help you through your degree program
- Respond to email Inquiries from Students
- Group Emails sent periodically from Program Advisor
- Group Advising Sessions
- Individual Advising Sessions
- Student-Alumni Webinars
- Student Virtual Meet-ups
- Writing Retreats
Learn about the LDL Program Team
Other Support Channels
The University, College of Education, The Graduate College, and the CoE Online Programs Office all offer a variety of support and resources.
NOTE: Do not use this link or the list below for CGScholar issues. Please contact a Teaching Assistant.
- IT Partners (College of Education IT)
- Phone: 217 244 7005
- Email: support@education.Illinois.edu
- E Learning Support
- Email: learnsupport@education.Illinois.edu
- Technology Services (Central Campus IT)
- Phone: 217 244 7000
- Email: consult@illinois.edu
- AITS Service Desk (open 24/7)
- Phone: 217 333 3102 or 312 996 4806
- Email: servicedeskaits@uillinois.edu