Pre-Course Preparation

  • Create an account in CGScholar
    Be sure that you also validate your account by responding to the post-creation email. If you don’t receive a confirmation request by email, check your spam folder.
  • Join the course community in CGScholar (link can be found in Current Courses)
  • Sign up for the oral or video presentation in the Google Spreadsheet (link can be found in Current Courses)


  • Familiarize yourself with the Analytics area in CGScholar, where you can check your progress during the course (be sure to be logged in to CGScholar prior to accessing the Analytics)

Image: Middlescapes

LDL Courses Onboarding and Orientation videos

View the Happening Now page for a list of upcoming sessions.

TopicBrief DescriptionAudienceSuggested Attendance Timing
1Information SessionLearn about our different degree and certificate offeringsProspective Students or new students who did not attend prior to applyingPrior to applying, but no later than before starting your first course
2New LDL StudentsLearn about available resources and how to get started with your degree or certificate programNew students pursuing a degree or certificate in LDLUpon acceptance, but no later than before you take your first course
3LDL Courses IntroductionLearn how to navigate the regular LDL courses and their participation requirementsAll new LDL degree or certificate students and students who have not taken an LDL course previouslyPrior to taking your first LDL course
4CGScholar BootcampLearn how to navigate CGScholar, the online platform we use to administer the LDL coursesAll new LDL degree or certificate students and students who have not taken an LDL course previouslyPrior to taking your first LDL course
5Peer ReviewsDiscuss qualities of and practice providing meaningful peer reviewAll new LDL degree or certificate students and students who have not taken an LDL course previously or anyone who wants to improve the quality of their peer reviewsPrior to taking your first LDL course
6Academic Writing and the Literature Review GenreBecome familiar with the basic principles and expectations of the literature review genre, which is enforced at the exam-dissertation stageRequired for new LDL doctoral students; encouraged for othersPrior to taking your first LDL course
FYI: Doctoral Students onlyExam-Dissertation Sequence (EDS)Learn how to navigate the EDS, including the processes and expectations of this six-course sequenceLDL doctoral students preparing to start the EDSAt least one full semester prior to starting the EDS (The EDS begins after you complete your regular 10 courses)