Week 1

Spring Term A Week #Week Start and
Synchronous Session
Week End (and
typically due date)
Week 1January 21st (No Session)January 26th
Week 2January 27thFebruary 2nd
Week 3February 3rd February 9th
Week 4February 10thFebruary 16th
Week 5February 17thFebruary 23rd
Week 6February 24thMarch 2nd
Week 7March 3rdMarch 9th
Week 8March 10thMarch 14th
All Work Due By:March 14th

Image: Middlescapes

Week 1 Assignments

    • Comment on the weekly Admin Update(s) and at least one peer’s comment to the Admin Update
    • Create a Community Update (1 out of 5) based on the prompt found here: Community Update prompts
    • Comment on at least 2 other peers’ updates
    • Complete the Pre-Course Survey (check the Admin Updates or the Analytics in CGScholar)