Fall 1 Home Page
Will appear here: https://ldlprogram.web.illinois.edu/
Event | Schedule* |
Office Hours with TAs | Mondays: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. US Central Time Zoom Details |
EPOL 580: Ubiquitous Learning AND EPOL 481: New Learning AND EPSY 559: Advanced Learning Technologies EPSY 560: Technology and Educational Change | Mondays: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. US Central Time (all courses meet on the same Zoom session) |
EPOL 586, 587, 588, 591, 599: Exam-Dissertation Sequence Group Advising Sessions | Mondays: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. US Central Time Occasional workshops held at 5:30 or 6:30 p.m. US Central Time; refer to the Happening Now page for the most up-to-date schedule Zoom Details |
EPOL 586, 587, 588, 591, 599: Exam-Dissertation Sequence Group Advising Sessions | Tuesdays: 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. US Central Time Occasionally cancelled due to scheduling conflicts; refer to the Happening Now page for the most up-to-date schedule Zoom Details |
Fall 1 Course Links
Fall 1 Weekly Schedule
Dates to be updated; topics to be updated
Pre-Course Preparation
Get started with your LDL course!
Week 1
EPOL 582 topics:
Multimodal Meaning and Synaesthesia
EPOL 534 topics:
1. Intelligence Tests: The First Modern Assessments
1st Live Session
Related: Live Session Details and Recordings
Work 1 Request Notification Sent
Check your CGScholar notifications to accept the work request; this is sent to everyone who has joined the community by this date. Contact a TA if you have not received your Work Request.
Week 2
EPOL 582 topics:
Making Meaning by Reading
EPOL 534 topics:
2. Select and Supply Response Assessments
Work 1 Complete 1st Version
Due Date
Week 3:
EPOL 582 topics:
Making Meaning by Writing
EPOL 534 topics:
3. Standards-Based and Alternative Practices of Assessment
Work 1 Peer Reviews
Due Date
Works 2 Request Notification Sent
Based on who has signed up in the Work 2 Sign-up Sheet- see Current Courses; if you sign up past the deadline, fill in the spreadsheet and notify one of the TAs to send you the notification
Week 4
EPOL 582 topics:
Making Visual Meanings
EPOL 534 topics:
4. New Opportunities for Assessment in the Digital Age
Work 1 Final Revised Version
Due Date
Week 5
EPOL 582 topics:
Making Spatial, Tactile and Gestural Meanings
Making Audio and Oral Meanings
EPOL 534 topics:
5. Learning Analytics: A Case Study of CGScholar
Work 2 Complete 1st Version
Due Date
Week 6:
EPOL 582 topics:
Literacies to Think and to Learn
Literacies and Learner Differences
EPOL 534 topics:
6. Educational Data Mining – Luc Paquette
Work 2 Peer Reviews
Due Date
Week 7
EPOL 582 topics:
Literacies Standards and Assessment
EPSY 408 topics:
7. Educational Evaluation – Jennifer Greene
Last Live Session
Due Date
Works 2 Final Revised Version
Due Date
Last Day of the Term
Fall 2 Home Page
Will appear here: https://ldlprogram.web.illinois.edu/
Event | Schedule* |
Office Hours with TAs | Mondays: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. US Central Time Zoom Details |
EPOL 581: Knowledge, Learning and Pedagogy AND EPSY 408: Learning and Human Development with Educational Technology AND EPOL 490: Machine Learning & Human Learning | Mondays: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. US Central Time (all courses meet on the same Zoom session) |
EPOL 586, 587, 588, 591, 599: Exam-Dissertation Sequence Group Advising Sessions | Mondays: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. US Central Time Occasional workshops held at 5:30 or 6:30 p.m. US Central Time; refer to the Happening Now page for the most up-to-date schedule Zoom Details |
EPOL 586, 587, 588, 591, 599: Exam-Dissertation Sequence Group Advising Sessions | Tuesdays: 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. US Central Time Occasionally cancelled due to scheduling conflicts; refer to the Happening Now page for the most up-to-date schedule Zoom Details |
EPOL 581 Missing Topics; Dates to be updated
Fall 2 Course Links
Will appear here: https://ldlprogram.web.illinois.edu/ldl-courses/current-courses/
Course | Key Links |
EPSY 408: Learning and Human Development with Educational Technologies | Course Community link Learning Module link Oral/Video Presentation Sign-up Sheet Work Type Sign-Up Sheet Update 5: The Canvas of Feedback Update 6: Peer Collaboration, Self-Reflection, and AI Review |
EPOL 581: Knowledge, Learning, and Pedagogy | Course Community link Learning Module link Oral/Video Presentation Sign-up Sheet Work Type Sign-Up Sheet Update 5: The Canvas of Feedback Update 6: Peer Collaboration, Self-Reflection, and AI Review |
EPOL 534: Assessment for Learning | Course Community link Learning Module link Oral/Video Presentation Sign-up Sheet Work Type Sign-Up Sheet Update 5: The Canvas of Feedback Update 6: Peer Collaboration, Self-Reflection, and AI Review |
Fall 2 Weekly Schedule
Will appear here: https://ldlprogram.web.illinois.edu/ldl-courses/weekly-course-schedule/
- Note that this will not render properly in publish mode after edits are made
- Keep as reusable block while editing, but once completely finished, then convert to regular block.
EPOL 581 Missing; Dates to be updated
Pre-Course Preparation
Get started with your LDL course!
Week 1
EPSY 408 topics:
1. Foundations of Educational Psychology
EPOL 486 topics:
1. Human Diversity and Learner Transformation
1st Live Session
Related: Live Session Details and Recordings
Work 1 Request Notification Sent
Check your CGScholar notifications to accept the work request; this is sent to everyone who has joined the community by this date. Contact a TA if you have not received your Work Request.
Week 2
EPSY 408 topics:
2. Brain Developmentalism
EPOL 486 topics:
2. Learner Differences in Theory and Practice
Work 1 Complete 1st Version
Due Date
Week 3
EPSY 408 topics:
3. Social Cognitivism
EPOL 486 topics:
3A. Race and Cultural Diversity in US Education
3B. Segregation, Integration, Desegregation and Resegregation
Work 1 Peer Reviews
Due Date
Works 2 Request Notification Sent
Based on who has signed up in the Work 2 Sign-up Sheet; see Current Courses; if you sign up past the deadline, fill in the spreadsheet and notify one of the TAs to send you the notification
Week 4
EPSY 408 topics:
4. The Social and Emotional Conditions of Learning: The Case of Bullying in Schools
EPOL 486 topics:
4. Should Education be a Right? Historical Perspectives
Work 1 Final Revised Version
Due Date
Work 2 Complete 1st Version
Due Date
Week 5
EPSY 408 topics:
5. Student Development
6. Productive Struggle in Learning
EPOL 486 topics:
5. Diversity in American Public Education
Work 2 Peer Reviews
Due Date
Week 6
EPSY 408 topics:
7. Putting Quantitative Psychology Research to Work: Classifying English Language Learners
EPOL 486 topics:
6. Postcolonial Theory and Education
7. The Inclusive School
Works 2 Final Revised Version
Due Date
Last Day of the Term
Weekly Dates Table
Update this about 2 weeks before the current term ends (go to the WordPress dashboard, then the TablePress menu and view All tables, then choose the Weekly Dates table.
Spring Term A Week # | Week Start and Synchronous Session | Week End (and typically due date) |
Week 1 | January 21st (No Session) | January 26th |
Week 2 | January 27th | February 2nd |
Week 3 | February 3rd | February 9th |
Week 4 | February 10th | February 16th |
Week 5 | February 17th | February 23rd |
Week 6 | February 24th | March 2nd |
Week 7 | March 3rd | March 9th |
Week 8 | March 10th | March 14th |
All Work Due By: | March 14th |
You can place any type of WordPress Block or blocks into this Accordion Section
Create 5 updates (in total throughout the course) based on the prompts of the Admin Updates.
There are more admin updates than individual updates that you need to create. Choose the 5 areas that interest you and aligns with your selected topic for the peer-reviewed project.
Focus of the Individual Updates:
- Addresses the Update prompt from the selected admin update: Each update must clearly demonstrate a relationship to the update prompt
- Demonstrates a connection with course ideas: Each update must explicitly connect with an idea or reference introduced in the admin update with which it is connected.
- Aligns with your chosen topic for your peer-reviewed project: To help prepare you for your peer-reviewed project, align each update with your chosen topic.
Where to post them: Post the updates in the Course Community of CGScholar, not on your personal profile page. You will find the ‘Updates’ menu behind the name of the community.
Notice: Updates on your personal profile page are not captured by the Analytics, whereas updates from the community page go to all community members and contribute to your Analytics score for the course.
What to include:
Words: Each update should be 200 words or more, not including the update prompt.
- The Update title should include the related admin update # and a brief, yet descriptive title. If you want to include a sequential number for your own purposes, you can do this as well, but it is important to include the related admin update number so that you and your peers know which one you are responding to
- Repeat the Admin Update number and include the individual update prompt from the related Admin Update at the top of the post, again, to remind your readers what you are responding to.
- Describe an idea or example based on the admin update prompt, aligned with your chosen project topic. This might be a description of innovative practice (your own or others’), an overview and reflection of an educational research report, a description and critical analysis of a new learning technology or curriculum, etc.
- Refer to at least two scholarly references (peer-reviewed journal article or scholarly book) in each update and add an Annotated Bibliography entry.
- Media: Include at least one media element (e.g., images of figures or tables, embedded video with captioned source), and web links to relevant sources. If you have a PDF of the academic article or book, include that in the update.