Image: Middlescapes
The learning philosophy of our program is “collaborative knowledge production.” Instead of lectures, you review weekly “admin updates,” which include videos, links to key readings, and synopses of our thinking in our recent books. In the spirit of the “flipped classroom,” we can then devote all of our interaction time to dialogue based on work you have undertaken in your own professional practice or research you have done about other educational practices.
Each LDL course has the same cadence of assignments. Refer to the sections and links below to learn how to complete each of the assignments required within our courses. While the approach is the same for each course, we ask that you align your contributions to the themes of the course in which you are participating.
Course Readings found in Admin Updates (comment on all Admin Updates)
Comment on all the admin updates (7 or more).
Review the videos and readings in the weekly “admin updates” (see topics in the Weekly Course Schedule) and make a comment of 100 words or more on each of the discussion topics, found in the admin updates.
- Please read others’ comments and comment on at least one, either below their comment or speaking to them via the @ button.
- The admin updates are posted in the course community in CGScholar and can be found by filtering on Updates by Admins, by selecting the update menu behind the community name on the left, then the filter option in the dark blue bar on the right, then choose “Admins.”
Note: This will result in at least 14 comments on admin updates in the Analytics
Your Community Updates (create 6)
You will create five community updates of at least 250 words (except Update#5 and Update#6) with scholarly sources in the course community that relate to your project. This is a change from previous editions of our courses.
Refer to the Community Updates page for specific requirements and update prompts.
Post your community updates in the Course Community of CGScholar, not on your personal profile page. You will find the ‘Updates’ menu behind the name of the community.
Notice: Updates on your personal profile page are not captured by the Analytics, whereas updates from the community page go to all community members and contribute to your Analytics score for the course.
Comment on peers’ community updates (10 total)
Comment on at least 3 other participants’ community updates each week (10 in total).
- Write comments of 50 words or more to peer community updates.
- Join others in discussion who may have already commented with @Name. Try to comment on different people’s community updates each week.
- Try to respond to community updates with your peers’ oral presentation recordings.
Oral/Video presentation
Give a 2-5 minute “lightning talk” about one of your comments, community updates, or project. Begin with a brief introduction about yourself.
Peer-Reviewed Project
Complete 1 “Work” in the Creator area, a combined conceptual or theoretical focus, an applied focus, and analysis
Refer to the Project page for specific requirements.
Your work must explicitly connect with an idea/concept introduced in the course in some meaningful way.
See also:
Peer Reviews (Complete 3 using CG Map)
Complete at least 3 peer reviews using the CGMap tool
Notifications and links to the works that you need to review are sent after the first version deadline.
Note: If other students submit their work late, you may receive peer-review assignments at a later date, even after the peer review week. Please complete those as soon as you can.
Review Elements
Please see CG Map Tutorial videos for specifications
Review comments:
- Please see CG Map Tutorial videos for specifications
For more information about the peer reviews, check the Peer Review Process & Instructions page.
Revision of Project
Submit the revised version of your project
- Use peer feedback thoughtfully to make changes to your first version.
- Your final work will then undergo a course admin (first by a TA and then instructor) review and be published to your CGScholar profile as well as to the course community.
- Certain minimum requirements must be met in order to have your work counted as completed, such as word length, scholarly sources, and overall quality.
- Note: If you discover that you need to make changes after you submit your final version, please save your work as a new version and then reply in the dialogue with the correct version number and date. (To save a new version, check the box that appears when you hover over the save button, then select Save).
Give Feedback to your Reviewers
Review and rate your peers’ feedback to your own works.
- Provide feedback to your peer reviewers and help them become better and stronger reviewers.
- Each ‘Overall Feedback on Feedback’ should be 200 words or more.
Live Sessions
Attendance in the Monday live sessions is encouraged, but optional.
If you are unable to attend the live session, you should watch the recording of the session at your own time and comment on the recorded presentations posted by your peers.
Course Participation Checklist (Printable)