Monday Recurring Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 86258715450
- Contact a TA for the meeting passcode (for those familiar with our Zoom sessions, the passcode is the same)
- Find your local number:
One tap mobile
+16465189805,,9646721288# US (New York)
While the regular LDL courses have their own Zoom link(s), all of our group advising sessions, writing retreats, virtual meet-ups, workshops, peer presentations, some onboarding, and student-alumni events take place on our recurring LDL Zoom link unless otherwise noted. Note that individual advising sessions may have a different Zoom link.
Purpose: Join with faculty advisors and peers to ask questions, request feedback, and/or share progress. During each session, three to five students will volunteer to “present”. All participants can contribute to and/or learn from the discussion.
Mondays, 7:30 – 8:30 pm (US Central Time) during the regular course term, cancelled for all U.S. National holidays. Note that during Summer session 2 these will be held from 2:30 to 3:30 pm US Central Time.
Most Tuesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 am (US Central Time) during the regular course term.
Contact Dr. Mattingly to present or ask questions, or sign up on the google sheet. Please come prepared with a brief slide that introduces your topics, research question, and/or logic model to provide context for the discussion.
Sign Up for an Advising Session
Tuesday Doctoral Sessions – 9am CT
- Meeting ID: 871 9685 2231
- Password: 535
- Find your local number:
To sign up please contact Dr. Mattingly, or sign up on the google sheet.
- Sign up to present/ask a question/request feedback at an upcoming live Group Advising session
- Sign up for Individual advising sessions with Dr. Kalantzis