Annual Student Evaluation

Each year in the Spring semester all graduate students must complete an annual student evaluation. See also the Graduate College’s Annual Evaluation page for additional details.


If you do not complete the annual student evaluation by the March deadline, you will not be able to register for the upcoming term.

Registration Holds

If you have a registration hold on your account due to not filling out the annual evaluation or for any other reason, in order to remove the hold on your account, you must:

  1. Complete the Annual Evaluation
  2. Contact your Advisor to discuss it and receive approval
  3. Contact Graduate Student Services to have your hold lifted

Avoid steps 2 and 3 by submitting your evaluation on time. Your advisor receives a copy automatically once you submit the evaluation on time.

PhD Students

As a part of the required Annual Student Evaluation, students should update the courses successfully completed towards the research area requirement. Courses may change from the original plan due to course offerings, however unless a new research area is chosen a new plan is not required. The advisor will review the courses as part of the advisor portion of the evaluation.