We ask students to prepare a logic model as they begin Chapter 3. It will evolve as you progress through each part of Chapter 3 and prepare for your preliminary exam.
What is a Logic Model in simple terms?
A logic model is a graphic illustration of the relationship between your theoretical foundation, methodology, data collection, and analysis. Think of it as your purpose (i.e. research question, theory, etc.), inputs (i.e. activities, data collection), and outputs (i.e. outcomes, data analysis, triangulation, etc.).
What is the purpose of a logic model?
- Assists you in planning and explaining your study through the model creation process
- Assists others in quickly understanding how your research study will be deployed.
What are the steps to create a logic model?
Creating your logic model should be done in parallel with drafting Chapter 3 (Theory and Methodology). It should be revisited and revised periodically prior to and after your preliminary exam as well as during your final dissertation draft when you determine the ultimately data analysis and triangulation elements.
- Identify the Research Question(s)
- Determine the Theoretical Foundation(s)
- What are the inputs? Determine the Key Data Collection Sources
- What are the outputs? -Determine the Analysis Process
- Identify how the data will be triangulated
- Create a Logic Model Outline of the relationship of the above-mentioned elements.
- Convert the outline to a visual depiction of your research study
See some samples in our Theory and Methodology workshop presentation
Here is a google search link